Selling a Product

2 min readDec 31, 2022


oral recount by Ernesto Cota, notes by me.

Selling a product or service can be a challenging task, but there are a few key conditions that can increase your chances of success. By focusing on these five factors, you can better position your product or service to be appealing to potential customers.

  1. Potential customers have a need for your product/service. The most obvious condition for selling a product or service is that the potential customer has a need or want for it. If your product or service is not solving a problem or fulfilling a desire for the customer, it will be difficult to convince them to make a purchase.
  2. Potential customers have the resources to buy/use your product. In addition to having a need for your product, potential customers must also have the means to purchase and use it. This could mean having the financial resources to pay for it, or having the necessary equipment or infrastructure to utilize it.
  3. Potential customers know and like your product. Awareness of your product or service is crucial for selling it. Potential customers must know that it exists in order to consider buying it. Additionally, they should have a positive perception of the product and see it as a good value for the price.
  4. That people around your potential customer also know and like your product. Word-of-mouth is a powerful marketing tool, and having others around the potential customer who have had a positive experience with your product or service can increase their likelihood of making a purchase.
  5. Potential customers trust you. Trust is a crucial element in any sales process. Potential customers must feel confident in your ability to deliver on your promises and provide good customer service. Building trust can take time, but it is an essential component of successfully selling a product or service.

Overall, selling a product or service requires a combination of factors, including a need for the product, the resources to purchase and use it, awareness and positive perception of the product, word-of-mouth support, and trust in the seller. By focusing on these key conditions, you can increase your chances of success in the competitive world of sales.

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This text was reviewed and embellished by: Assistant, OpenAI. (n.d.). AI language model responses. Retrieved from

